Women Share The One Trait Men Think Is Attractive But They Actually Dislike

According to women, this common behavior from men can be a real dealbreaker.
Women have been candid about a particular trait some men believe is charming, but in reality, it has the opposite effect.They say this behavior isn’t just unattractive—it’s often a dealbreaker. Dating these days can feel like navigating a never-ending maze.

Whether it’s scrolling endlessly through apps or trying to figure out where you stand in a new relationship, it’s no wonder people feel frustrated, no matter their gender.

These struggles aren’t new, but the revelations shared by women highlight that some commonly held beliefs about what makes men appealing are far from the truth.

As Valentine’s Day draws closer, it’s another reminder for single people just how single they are.The season of love might nudge some to put themselves out there more, but rushing into something just to avoid being alone is rarely a good idea.

This time of year often encourages people to seek out connections, but it’s essential to remember the importance of staying true to yourself.

Dating should be about finding someone who truly matches your values and energy.

While staying authentic is the goal, nerves often lead people to amplify certain aspects of their personality.

However, some traits, as women on Reddit have shared, are best avoided altogether.

Dating is even more difficult if you’re not being your true selfLuckyBusiness/Getty Images
It’s natural to feel nervous when meeting someone new, and sometimes that can cause people to act in ways they think will impress.However, according to women in a popular Reddit thread, there’s one personality type men adopt that’s anything but impressive.

The discussion started with a question that got women sharing their honest opinions: “Women, what isn’t nearly as attractive as lot of guys think it is?”

While there were many responses, one particular answer seemed to resonate the most, sparking a lively discussion among the participants.

The top response focused on what’s often called “alpha energy.”This term is typically used to describe a man who is the most assertive, powerful, or dominant in a group.

But women in the thread were quick to clarify that this kind of energy can go too far. Being confident and engaging in conversation is one thing.

But portraying yourself as overly dominant or acting like the stereotypical “alpha male” can come off as intimidating or even toxic.

This extreme “alpha” behavior often aligns with outdated ideas about masculinity, perpetuated by controversial figures like Andrew Tate, who teach men they need to act this way to attract women.

Women have said men who exhibit this trait make them feel ‘unsafe’Getty Stock Image
Many women in the thread shared examples of this behavior and why it’s so off-putting.One person explained: “Being persistent and showing dominant energy when we’ve already said we aren’t interested even after we maybe were at first,’ as a third reckoned: “

They went on to add that this kind of approach doesn’t create a sense of safety or comfort, which is essential in any interaction.

These so-called alpha traits are often exaggerated to the point where they feel disingenuous, making it hard for women to trust or connect with someone exhibiting them.

Another woman elaborated, saying it feels like the focus is on projecting power rather than forming a genuine bond.

The comments were filled with anecdotes about how such behavior often ends up pushing women away rather than attracting them.

One woman summed up her feelings by saying: “Acting macho. I want a man with emotional intelligence, not a man that punches a wall to show he cares.”She emphasized that emotional intelligence and understanding are far more appealing traits than displays of macho energy.

Another participant agreed, pointing out that men who dominate conversations can be a significant turn-off.

She shared: “It annoys me to my core when men don’t let other people, especially women, have the floor.”

At the same time, she highlighted how men who ask thoughtful questions and genuinely listen stand out in a positive way, adding: “It shows they’re emotionally aware and engaging.”

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