Woman who lives for months at a time on a cruise ship reveals what she’s not allowed to do

A woman who lives a large chunk of her life on a cruise ship has revealed what she is and is not allowed to do.

Cruise shipCredit: Michael Dunning/Getty

Now, when you think of a cruise, you think of a vacation, right? The sun, the sea and shuffleboard.

But for those who make cruising a regular part of their lives, there are actually a few rules that they must abide by in order to make life on the waves.

Meet Christine Kesteloo, a lifestyle influencer who lives on board a cruise ship with her husband, who is a Staff Chief Engineer.

Branding herself a “wife onboard”, she gets to stay for free wherever her husband is working, even getting free food during her trip – sounds like heaven, right?

Well, it is, as long as Christine follows four particular rules, the first being no gambling.

Taking to TikTok in a video, the influencer explained that she can’t gamble while on board because “it would look a little weird if I, as the wife of the staff chief engineer, won a big jackpot.”

The second rule she must abide by is no lateness.

While Christine is considered an extension of the crew, the ship will not wait for her if she’s late.

“No, they will not wait for us,” she said in the clip.

The same goes for her husband too. If they “miss ship [sic], someone else will take over the role.”

The third rule is strictly no filming of the crew or passengers on board the vessel – especially during emergencies.

With almost a million followers on TikTok alone, it’s no wonder why this is a rule for Christine.

“If there is a crew member or guest that has gone overboard and we do a search, I am not showing you videos of the medical evacuation,” she said, still adding that when she’s off the ship, she can do as she pleases.

And the last rule she must follow is giving up her spot if she needs to.

She gives up her space in guest areas if it’s packed, because “it’s just the right thing to do” and while she gets her food for free, she does have to pay for sodas and alcohol – but with a 50 percent discount.

I mean, that sounds like a good deal to me.

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