Jurassic World 4: Rebirth (2025) takes place years after the events of Jurassic World: Dominion, in a world where humans and dinosaurs now share the planet. However, this fragile coexistence is soon threatened by a powerful new force Genomex, a corporation with a vision that could change the future in unimaginable ways. Unlike previous threats, Genomex’s ambitions extend far beyond cloning dinosaurs; they intend to merge dinosaur DNA with human genetics, creating hybrids that are not only more intelligent but also far more dangerous.

Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) have built a hidden sanctuary to safeguard dinosaurs and maintain peace between species. Alongside them is Maisie Lockwood (Isabella Sermon), the genetically engineered clone of Charlotte Lockwood, whom they have taken in as their own. Their quiet existence is shattered when one of Genomex’s most terrifying creations a human-dinosaur hybrid escapes from a high-security facility.

Joining the cast is Scarlett Johansson as Dr. Elara Vaughn, a brilliant geneticist and former colleague of Dr. Wu (BD Wong). Initially part of Genomex’s research, she becomes horrified by the creatures she helped create and warns Owen and Claire of the corporation’s plan to mass-produce these hybrids for military and commercial exploitation. Determined to stop the impending catastrophe, she teams up with them to expose and destroy Genomex’s operations.

As they race against time, the team faces horrifying new hybrids—beings that possess the instincts of dinosaurs and the intelligence of humans, making them far more strategic and lethal than anything before. Among them is “Reximus,” a towering 12-foot fusion of T. rex and human DNA, boasting immense strength, agility, and tactical cunning. Reximus emerges as the film’s central villain, pushing the battle for survival to its limits.

The film’s explosive climax unfolds within Genomex’s hidden facility, where a full-scale war erupts between humans, dinosaurs, and the terrifying hybrids. As the dust settles, one chilling question remains: can humanity ever truly coexist with beings that are neither fully animal nor entirely human?

Watch the video trailer below!


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