THE EXPENDABLES 5 Trailer | Sylvester Stallone, Jackie Chan, Dwayne Johnson, | Lionsgate

“The Expendables 5” (2025) marks the explosive return of the legendary mercenary team, featuring familiar faces and new action stars. The film follows Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) and the Expendables on their most dangerous mission yet, facing off against an international crime syndicate threatening global security.

This time, Barney’s team must join forces with new warriors, including a mysterious former agent played by Jackie Chan and a notorious mercenary portrayed by Dwayne Johnson. As the enemy grows stronger with government backing, the Expendables are forced to break all the rules and fight with everything they have to survive.

With stunning action sequences, massive explosions, and epic showdowns between legendary actors, “The Expendables 5” promises to be an unmissable cinematic spectacle for action movie fans.

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