Scientists Explain How Much Sex Is Too Much And Its Potential Health Risks

Believe it or not, there are cases where too much intimacy can actually backfire on your health.

We’ve all heard that sex is good for your health, right? And that’s absolutely true—but only when done in moderation.Surprisingly, scientists have found that having ‘too much’ sex can lead to negative effects on your overall health. A recent study even suggests that frequent bedroom activities can lower a man’s risk of heart disease in the long run. So, gentlemen, you might have an interesting excuse for tonight!

However, there’s a fine line between enough and overdoing it, and crossing it could mean health risks rather than benefits.

This concept might even remind you of that hilarious scene from Ricky Gervais’ 2009 comedy The Invention of Lying, where his character claims the world is ending as a way to charm someone into bed.But on a more serious note, scientists from China found some pretty compelling reasons behind their conclusion. They linked the benefits of sexual activity to its ability to get the heart pumping, improve blood circulation, and reduce stress—all of which are fantastic for heart health.

These findings were highlighted in a paper published in the Journal of Scientific Reports last December. The researchers emphasized that sexual activity can serve as an important indicator of general health and well-being.

Engaging in too much sex is bad for your healthGetty stock
The authors wrote: “Those with either excessively high or low frequencies should pay attention to the situation and seek medical attention if necessary.”It’s clear that while a healthy sex life has its perks, an excessively high frequency might actually put you at risk.

For instance, having sex more than once a day was flagged as a point where potential downsides begin to outweigh the benefits.

They wrote: “It’s often overlooked that sexual activity itself constitutes a form of physical activity and aerobic exercise.”“Despite the well-established benefits of moderate physical activity, evidence suggests there may be a point of diminishing returns.”

“In fact, high levels of aerobic exercise may detract from the significant health benefits observed with moderate levels.”

Ultimately, the takeaway is pretty straightforward: balance is key. Overindulgence in anything, even something as enjoyable as sex, can have its drawbacks.

Having sex regularly might be doing more good for your heart than you might thinkGetty Stock Image
This study, conducted by a research team at Qingdao University, analyzed data from several studies involving 17,243 adults in the United States. They wanted to understand how sexual activity might influence heart health and longevity.Over the course of nearly nine years, they discovered that men who had sex fewer than 12 times a year faced higher risks of heart disease and premature death. Meanwhile, those engaging in intercourse around 103 times a year—or roughly twice a week—experienced the lowest risks. Even having sex about 52 times a year showed measurable health benefits.

Dr. Alexis Missick, associated with UK Meds, emphasized the broader advantages of sexual activity, saying: “Never mind the ways in which sex may be good for your heart in terms of love, intimacy and emotions; sex is quite literally good for your heart.”

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